Wounded veteran needed help clearing a wood pile

Fallen trees are not allowed to stay on one’s property in the city. A neighborhood inspector cited the homeowner for this tree which had blown over in a storm. Having had surgery he was not able to saw it up and haul away on his own. We answered his call for help and over the course of three Saturdays, sawed up the trunk and the stump. We found another neighbor who heated their home with wood and hauled it up there where it could be put to good use. While loading the trailer a neighbor across the street came over and asked for help with a stump that was in his front yard. We obliged and added that to our trailer as well. We try to make the most out of these situations and create as many positives as possible from them. We loaded up this vet’s trailer and hauled the sawn wood to a neighbors’ house who is using wood to heat his home during our cold winters.